Cultura y Patrimonio Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Proyección Social
The Area of Culture of the Dpt. of Culture and Social Affairs of Universidad de Zaragoza, with the collaboration of Cinemaremagnum Servicios Audiovisuales, wants to announce the regulations for the XXIV Videominute International Contest with the purpose of stimulating creation in the domain of video-creation and animation, according to the following regulations:
All those people who wish to do so, either individually or in groups, may submit to the contest, provided they submit works whose maximum duration is 1 minute (60 seconds), including credit titles.
Works that exceed that time will not be accepted.
Works presented in other editions of the contest will not be accepted.
A maximum of 3 videominutos may be submitted per participant or group.
The subject of videominuto will be of free choice and works of both fiction / documentary and animation may be presented.
Trailers, teasers and advertising spots won’t be admitted in any case, just as excerpts from works whose primary lenght is more than 60 seconds. Every work not specifically created to last 60 seconds maximum won’t be accepted.
IMPORTANT: All those works presented in a language different from Spanish, must be subtitled in Spanish or in English.
The participant will be responsible in any case for any claim related to the violation of the rights of image, data protection, honor and privacy of third parties
The organization reserves the right to exclude those proposals that may be considered offensive, insulting, or that violate the law.
Through internet only: Press here to fill in the application form and to upload your video
The registration period begins December 17 th, 2024 at 14:00 hours and ends on April 11, 2024 at 14:00 hours in Spain.
The members of the jury will be selected by the Dpt. of Culture and Social Affairs of Universidad de Zaragoza amongst videocreators and experts of national and international prestige. This jury will complete with its experience and opinion the possible omissions or doubts that could arise in the selection process.
The jury reserves the right not to award the prizes if no work is deemed to be worthy. The decisions taken by the jury shall be final.
The best 25 works, as a maximum, will be selected to pass to the final and this condition of finalist will be communicated to the respective authors.
Prize-giving and projection of winners will be reported to all those interested and it will be made public through general means of communication.
The winners will be awarded with a diploma and with the following prizes:
In addition, there will be a SPECIAL MENTION FROM THE AREA OF EQUALITY, with an amount of 300€. This mention will be awarded to the short film that, through its narrative, direction and message, addresses in an outstanding way the principles of gender equality.
*These prizes are subject to tax deduction according to Law.
The winners will authorize Universidad de Zaragoza to record, compile, reproduce and broadcast the presented pieces preserving their rights as creators of their works.
In any edition, recording or exhibition of the awarded works, it must be mentioned that it has been selected or awarded in the XXIV International Videominuto Competition of the University of Zaragoza. To this end, finalists and winners will be provided with the laurel of the competition so that they can include it in their work and it will be duly reflected.
The organization will not be responsible neither of the eventual damage of the works nor of the rights derived from the materials used for the creation of the videominutes and in this case.
The application to take part in and to present works for the competition implies the knowledge and full acceptance of the present regulations.
1. Área de Actividades Culturales. Universidad de Zaragoza:
2. Cinemaremagnum Servicios Audiovisuales:
Área de Cultura. Edificio Paraninfo. Pza. Basilio Paraíso, 4. 50005 Zaragoza 976 762 609 / Atención al público: lunes a viernes 9:00 a 14:00 h
Oferta de estudios